Friday 27 August 2010

One Day: there but for the grace of God...

My first ever guest post on a blog is here.

1 comment:

Windmill Duke said...

Nice, Mse Delacourt. I'm way old, of the other gender, and NOT likely to join Obama's campaign (FOR him, at least), but am of the sort of follower of Christ "about me" shaped so nicely. And a writer; finally (writing major in college 50 years ago, then a fighter pilot then missionary). Caught your guest post. Like your whimsy and clarity. Of my book and web ( interactive blog (mainly for dads) and one you might want to visit despite the unlikely draw of the title (Wild Gray Goose)is at If this guest blog thing is infectuous, we might exchange posts some day (Wild Brussels Goose?). So, I think I'm subscribed.