Sunday 12 December 2010

Tweets that made me smile today

@bpdreview: Dear musicians, Falling in love before meeting someone is not love. It's hormones. Love, Brian

@purpleclaire: Hey hey. I object to that.

@bpdreview: Well you've gotten to know him so you're fine. I'm talking about songs about people falling in love before knowing each other.

@purpleclaire: I love you. (Though obviously not in the same way as I love him.)

@bpdreview: Probably for the best. You'd run out of energy if you multiplied your love by two.

(It's probably only funny if you're me, and if you know what we were talking about. But hey. I love @bpdreview - one of the wittiest tweeters out there, and one of my earliest fellow tweeters. Plus, Josh Malina once tweeted both of us together, so I feel a special kinship.)

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