Saturday 3 April 2010

Keywords that made me smile

This may be cheating as a nablopomo post, but here are some of the keywords that people have used to get to my blog in the last few days:

The most popular, with 11 searches (let's assume it's the same person, though) was my favourite: "Bradley Whitford by Claire".

Speaks for itself, really.

I very much liked "Bradley Whitford Christian": it makes me happy, somehow, that this combination leads to my blog.

People also continue to come to me by the dozen (ish) to find out about Janel Moloney. So, to clarify - yes, she was pregnant; but no, I don't think she is anymore. I know no more than that, though, and believe me, it's not for lack of trying. I desperately want to jump up and down and get excited and see photos and stuff, but there you are. Still, inspiration for this ficlet came from the idea of Janel with a little girl. (Is it a girl? Who knows? Since all the important people in my life are having boys at the moment, I think it's probably a boy.) Have a read, and tell me what you think.

A recent one: "Why are Belgiums weird". Well, possibly firstly they have an issue with the fact that you don't know their nationality is Belgian, not Belgium. Secondly, many, many reasons. They are lovely though. They say hello when you pass them in the street (I caught myself just before I did this in London today) and they are very helpful when you need information of any kind. Unless they are being paid to give it to you, but that's another story.

"You'll remember me when the West Wing moves" - yay! this makes me feel slightly more normal. Someone else obviously misheard this lyric. This person may well be my soulmate. Please get in touch and leave your number. Thank you...

"Claire Belgium New York" - now that one I liked, because it's always nice when you feel people are specifially searching for your stuff on the internet. Occasionally someone googles Claire Lyman and that gets me very excited indeed.

I feel a little sorry for the person who searched for reasons to move to Belgium, though, and got reasons to move to America instead. Oh well.

"How do you put a mustache on Skype" also made me smile.

Let's see what the next week brings in keywords, and whether I can use them as inspiration for posts. I'm sure "weird things to do in Belgium" has a lot of potential, for example...


sippee said...

My friend's daughter has just left Belgium after being there for a few yrs. She has gone to New York but was pretty sad to be leaving. She's an Aussie named Sophie. Is the world a small enough place for you to know her?

Claire said...

The world is indeed small, but I've only been there a year and didn't come across her, at least I don't think so. New York is my next destination too, though! :)

Claire said...

The world is indeed small, but I've only been there a year and didn't come across her, at least I don't think so. New York is my next destination too, though! :)